How to Build a Local Realtor Network

How to Build a Local Realtor Network

Realtor Networking Tips: How to Build a Local Realtor Network

If you decide to help people buy or sell houses for a living, you should be a well-connected member of your community. Furthermore you should have ample knowledge of your area so that you can answer sellers’ and buyers’ questions, you also want to have connections with other local realtors and real estate professionals. Relationships like that are mutually beneficial, allowing you to share leads, connect home buyers with their dream home, and on the end sell more real estate. We will offer some simple advice to follow to network with other real estate professionals, and enjoy the success that comes along with these new relationships.

Become a part of an Organization

Any successful local realtor will be involved with local real estate organizations as their member. Most states have an association of realtors, and your local multiple listing service can connect you to your local organization. It should be easy to find specialty organizations that allow you to network with other professionals in your field of interest. If you specialize in auction, commercial real estate, appraisal, or as a buyer’s agent, you can find an organization just for you.

Once you have the right real estate organization, get really involved. Be part of its continuing education sessions to increase your knowledge, attend meetings. Also you can volunteer for events, or consider running for a board position. The more involved you are, the stronger your relationships with other real estate professionals will be.

Embrace Your Community

You shouldn’t limit yourself to the real estate world for networking opportunities. Make yourself an engaged member of your community, it will allow you to meet people from many backgrounds — and these people are potential clients or collaborators, maybe not today, but in the future for sure. Serve as a board member on your neighborhood homeowners’ association. Volunteer for a cause that is meaningful to you. Join your child’s parent-teacher association and volunteer at school events. Taking every opportunity to be seen in your community, any of them can bring great networking potential, whether you’re connecting with someone looking to buy or sell a home or meeting a mortgage broker or lender who you might work with in the future.

Stay Connected

Stay in daily touch with your neighbors, friends, professional contacts and acquaintances year-round so that you’re the first realtor that comes to mind when they need to buy or sell a home. Start and use a database of your connections and their contact information. Send newsletters and emails year-round to remind potential clients of how you can benefit them. Use social media to share updates on your business to solicit more clients and work.


Local realtor needs to be an active member of your community, not only in your field, but also beyond that. Using connections you will create that way with other real estate professionals and community members at large, you can discover new methods to grow your enterprise.
